Cut the Craft

Episode 044: Mikko Snellman

Episode 44
Episode Recorded February 7,  2022. 

Mikko Snellman specializes in knot tying and ropemaking and comes from a long line of sailors in Finland. During our conversation, he shares the important place cordage has in human history and how it helps us today. Personally, he grew up tying knots and was familiar with ropework from sailing with his father, but as he grew older he stepped into craftwork at a cabinetry shop where he learned that handcraft is not a series of tricks but a mindset. Later, as life crumbled around him, he remembered that he could help himself by the repetitive motions of tying knots and has not stopped since. He shares his work with people all around the globe and the lessons learned by entering into the meditative world of fancy knotwork.

To find more of Mikko’s work visit his website:,  his Instagram page @mikkosnellman, his YouTube channel, his Facebook page and his Ropeworks community on FB: .

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